ebb tide ripples,
boat glides silent
through shallows,
of mangrove islands.
dawn filters
thru night mist.
feathers stir and
birdwings flutter-up
egrets, herons, osprey
kites, pelicans,
terns and cormorants,
all foraging for
marine tidbits.
coons skulk
for crabs
or sniff for
other scraps
near tidal shores.
diving porpoises,
frenzied in chase,
lunge swiftly
through schools
of wheeling mullet,
making waves
while they feast.
then quiet and peace
in this holy wilderness
of natural wonders,
where everything is
part of everything else,
and I become wiser.
I sit now, far away
in a busy city
where men wear suits
and dream of promotions,
and wonder if my spirit
will dwell in that
peace, that paradise
yet once more.