Question: Why do rightwing Christians want to put their bumper stickers, "In God We Trust," on school walls? Why are they always pushing for an opening into our public schools?
Answer: Because that's where the young, impressionable minds are. No sense proselytizing jaded adults out at the mall. You've got to go hunting where the ducks are. It has been suggested that if such signs are allowed, we would have to add "In Allah we Trust" to be ecumenically fair to Muslims.
But that opens the door to the claims of others in the name of free speech and equal time. Perhaps we can also look forward to these signs in our schools from various interest groups:
Agnostics: "Trust is Good, Proof is Better"
Atheists: "There is No God to Trust"
Hindus: "Trust Recycled Souls"
Anarchists: "Don't Trust Government"
Government: "Don't Trust Anarchists"
Bill Gates: "Distrust Antitrust"
School Boards: "Trust Us"
Boards of Commissioners: "Trust Us, Too"
Mobley and Marchiano:(convicted swindlers)"In God We Trust,but The Buck Stops Here"
Norris and Constantine: (crooked commissioners) "Trusted, Now Busted"
Naples Sewer Department: "Don't Trust the Water"
Naples Water Department: "Don't Trust the Sewers"
Environmentalists: "Trust Manatees, Not Developers"
Developers: "Trust Martha Dyckman" (Onetime spokesman for Developer's lobby group)
Bumper stickers or T-shirts on the above available from Jeff Lytle, Naples Daily News.